Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCT)

Living with more awareness

Mindfulness-Based-Stress Reduction (MBSR) combines meditation and awareness techniques with neurological research findings on stress. Companies can use the scientifically-evaluated MSBR-Training methods to prevent stress-related employee illness. MBSR supports employees in coping with workplace stress, aids their concentration and helps them stay in a peaceful state of mind.

MBSR Training was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the late 1970s. The method has been successfully applied since then to help patients deal with stress and chronic pain.

The MBSR-Training programme has been developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn in the late 1970ies and has successfully been applied to help people in processing stress an chronic pain.


MSBR combines Meditation, Achtsamkeit and Yoga. The systematically planned training program is directed entirely towards each individual participant and their experience of and acquaintance with themselves. The exercises are above all designed to develop awareness and the ability to purposefully direct the attention.

How does MSCL work?

MSBR reveals how one can remain in the present moment / concentrate on the present, become aware of one’s self and recognise how and when pressure becomes stress and what the possibilities are to deal with it effectively.

Regular practice promotes the ability to relax, and leads to more clarity, concentration and inner peace.


Directed concentration on the body (bodyscan)
Concentration on movements while standing and reclined (yoga)
Peaceful meditation
Meditation in movement


The MBSR-Training is based on the classic MBSR curriculum.

The course lasts 8 weeks, with one 2,5 hour Training per week and one „Day of Awareness“ lasting 5-6 hours which is scheduled between the sixth and seventh weeks.

In addition to the weekly joint practice hours, participants are given training assignments to do at home, which require about 30-45 minutes daily.

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Our professional and private everyday life is marked by time pressure, coping with more and more tasks and a driven mind that cannot switch off. This can increase inner tension.

A persistently high stress level reduces the concentration and efficiency of the employees and can make them physically and mentally ill.

In a company this can be seen, for example, in lower effectiveness and efficiency, an irritable atmosphere or an increased number of sick days. In the worst case, stress can lead to the total loss of employees due to depression or burnout.

External circumstances can usually only be influenced to a limited extent, but the way in which they react can be influenced.

Dealing With Stress

Stress is not a measurable quantity. Every person reacts highly individually to the stimuli sent from his environment. However, the external circumstances can usually only be influenced to a limited extent, but the way in which they react can.

This applies equally to self-made stress. Many of our needs, worries and fears are caused by the projection of thoughts into the future or the past. However, our own thoughts are not an actual reflection of reality, but rather a mirror of our current state.

MBSR’s approach, on the other hand, is to move towards a new attitude. The aim is a conscious lifestyle which has a positive effect both professionally and privately.

Are you interested?

I would be happy to speak with you about how I can help you in the clarification process.

The MBSR-MBCT Association has entered into a business cooperation with the DGB and verd.i. These unions offer employees and all affiliated unions, companies and sub-organisations coming from a REHA the opportunity to select and finance an MBSR course from the association’s side.


Group size: 5 to 15 participants
Languages: German and English
Venue: Achtsamkeitspraxis Berlin

Training Objectives Registration

MBSR provides tools to prevent and manage stress and other physical and psychological pain. It promotes focus and concentration, and leads to more inner peace.

Please register early and make an appointment for a preliminary talk. Unfortunately, these courses are not covered by health insurance.

Mindfulness – Pratice Days

Mindfulness practice days within the framework of the current courses

These training days are part of the MBSR courses. A mindfulness day is part of the course and supports in-depth practice of the practices learned so far. The day takes place mainly in silence.
In addition to the well-known body scan exercises, gentle stretching exercises and mindfulness meditations, we will also practice ‘mindful walking’ and ‘loving kindness’ meditation.

The silence ends after lunch together.

Participants of former courses are also welcome. The number of participants is limited. Registration requested.

Costs: 35.00 €.
Date: each from 10.00 – 16:00 h

Meditation class

Meditation Evenings

On the first Thursday of each month there will be an open meditation evening, from 19:00 – 21:15 h.
The course is aimed at all those who would like to continue practicing in a group after an MBSR course, who would like to refresh and revive their practice, or who are looking for an exchange on meditation and related topics.
There will be the opportunity for a short exchange and a special evening related topic will be introduced and included in the exercise.

Topics include:
Aspects of Meditation Theory
Buddhist Topics
Topics from the MBSR/MBCT/MBCL training

A registration is not necessary, but seen gladly.
The evening runs on donation basis (suggested donation height is 20.00 €).

Dates: 09.01., 16.01., 23.01., 30.01. and 06.02. 2020

MBSR – compact

MBSR  — compact

(in English)

Start: Sunday, 07.07. 2019, 10:00 – 18:00 h
Trainings unit: 1x per week, approx. 8 hours, incl. 2 hours break
follow-up dates: 14.07., 21.07. and 28.07. 2019

fee: 390,00 €

Mindfulness Practice Day:

approx. Sat. 03.08., 10:00 – 16:00 h.

Evening class

MBCL  Course  (in German)

start: Thursday, 13.02. 2020, 19:00 – 21:30 h
Each session approx. 2,5 hours
follow-up dates: 20.02., 27.02., 12.03., 26.03., 09.04., 16.04. and 23.04. 2020

Mindfulness practice day

Saturday, 19.04. 2020, 10:00 – 16:00 h.

fee: 350,00 €

Individual MBCL-Training

For a number of people it is difficult to keep regular appointments due to professional commitments. Therefore I offer you the possibility to arrange an MBCL training individually according to your personal and temporal circumstances. On request also with telephone or online coaching.

Location of the individual MBCL training: Achtsamkeitspraxis Berlin
Your costs per appointment: 90 – 120 min. / 90,00 – 120,00 €.

Or at your place of work (travel: 15,00 € within Berlin).

MBSR in the corporate context (invisible)

If you are interested in an offer for MBSR in your company, I would be happy to put together a tailor-made offer together with you.
The MBSR courses can take place on your premises. Please get in touch with me and visit our website mindfulness-worx.de

MBSR Fees – an overview

course fee

The course fee is 350,00 € for evening courses and 320,00 € for morning courses and 390,00 € for compact courses.

If you register four weeks before the course starts and pay a deposit of € 50.00, the course fee is € 300.00, including all course materials such as CDs, workbook, coaching option.
The Early-Bird-price for compact courses is 350,00 €.

For low-income earners (Hartz IV recipients, students, pensioners, etc.), additional individual discounts can be granted for a limited number of participants. Please do not hesitate to ask.

MBSR Trainings

Achtsamkeitspraxis Berlin
Your costs are for one individual training session per appointment:
90 – 120 min. / 90,00 – 120,00 €

Or at your place of work (travel: 15,00 € within Berlin)

Please ask for costs for VHS offers

MBSR Summer School

Cost: 150,00 € (120,00 € reduced) for the first week
180,00 € (150,00 € reduced) for the second week
35,00 € (30,00 € reduced) per day

MBSR practice evenings

The training evening will take place on a donation basis.
For orientation I suggest a donation of 20,00 €.

Financing an MBSR course after rehabilitation – Cooperations with verd.i and DGB

The MBSR-MBCT Association has entered into a business cooperation with the DGB and verd.i.

These unions offer employees and all affiliated unions, companies and sub-organisations coming from a REHA the opportunity to select and finance an MBSR course from the MBSR/MBCT Association website.

The agreement stipulates that the trade unions will pay € 320.00 per course participant directly to the MBSR teacher.

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Rahmenvereinbarung MBSR Verband mit Verdi

Financing of an MBSR course from the employer

In addition, companies may spend up to € 500.00 tax-free per year and employee on health maintenance. Employees can therefore ask their employer whether it finances an MBSR course for them to maintain their health. The MBSR teachers then receive the entire course price from the company or the employee receives a refund from his or her employer. In this case, it is irrelevant whether the course instructor is certified by the health insurance companies.
Framework agreement MBSR association with the DGB

Rahmenvereinbarung MBSR Verband mit Verdi