Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention
for Depression (MBCT)

according to Mark Williams et al.

Mindfuness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) was developed by professors Williams, Teasdale and Segal to provide those suffering from depression with a practical means of preventing relapse.

Including both core elements of MBSR and techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy, MBCT is usually offered as a training running over 8 weeks. Apart from mindfulness exercises, body awareness (body scan), gentle Yoga stretching, and education of everyday mindfulness, the program included essential information on depression and exercises used in cognitive behavioural therapy.

Mindfulness will help you to more easily become aware of thoughts, feelings and body sensations, thus providing you with a kind of early warning system to counteract potential relapses into depression.

In order to effectively use mindfulness it will be necessary that you implement the exercises from the course in everyday life and practise them on a daily basis. To support this, as a participant of the course you will receive CDs as well as comprehensive handouts for each session.

MBCT courses are specifically addressed to people who have suffered from a number of depressive episodes, yet are presently not depressed.

MBCT courses are built around a progressive series of themes, and offered in weekly sessions of 2.5 hours. Each session includes group practice, some input and presentation, discussion of home work and support for your personal practice. In addition , a mindfulness day of 5 hours length is offered, usually after the 6th session.

To participate, you are asked to commit to a practice of about 40 minutes on 5 days every week. To support your practice you will receive CDs with led exercises. To further develop and deepen awareness, plenty short exercises are included in the course.

As part of the course package, I offer a non-binding consultation that is aimed to help you decide whether it would be sensible to you to do the course at this point in life.




Is this training suitable for you?

This programme is suited for people who have been through two to three depressive episodes but are currently not in an acute depression.

Unsere Programme

CBMT von Potential Project bietet Ihnen kein Produkt oder eine Dienstleistung von der Stange. Sie führen mit uns einen Dialog darüber, wie das Potenzial Ihres Unternehmens, Ihres Teams und Ihrer Mitarbeiter entwickelt werden kann. Wir legen besonderen Wert darauf, das Programm auf Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse auszurichten. Der modulare Aufbau unserer Programme ermöglicht dabei eine hohe Passgenauigkeit.

Wir haben so viele Lösungen wie Kunden, aber unsere Erfahrung zeigt, dass sich die Bedürfnisse von Unternehmen in drei Schwerpunkte gliedern lassen:

Performance & Effektivität

Geschäftserfolg hängt von richtigem Handeln ab. Das Treffen der richtigen Entscheidungen kann nur gelingen, wenn wir es schaffen unsere Aufmerksamkeit zur rechten Zeit auf die richtigen Dinge zu lenken.

Balance & Resilienz

Stress ist ein bedeutender gesundheitlicher Risikofaktor. Stressverursacher ist dabei häufig nicht die anstehende Aufgabe an sich, sondern Gedankenspiele über mögliche zukünftige Ereignisse. Unser Training bietet eine effektive Methode sich auf die erfolgreiche Gestaltung der Gegenwart zu fokussieren.

Kreativität & Energie

Der bewusste Fokus auf jeweils die eine aktuelle Aufgabe. Wie gelingt das dauerhaft?

Essentielle Trainingselemente

Egal welche individuelle Lösung wir für Sie erarbeiten, welches Programm oder welches Format Sie wählen, diese drei wesentlichen Elemente sind immer Bestandteile unserer Trainings:

Arbeitsmethoden und Arbeitskultur

Unsere Methoden helfen Ihnen, Achtsamkeit in alle beruflichen Aktivitäten und Prozesse wie zum Beispiel Meetings, Mitarbeitergespräche und Ihre Kommunikation zu integrieren.

Mentales Training

Achtsamkeitstraining stärkt Sie. Es erhöht Ihre Kreativität, schärft Ihren Fokus und lehrt Sie einen klaren Blick auf Ihr Umfeld. Unsere leicht erlernbaren Methoden helfen Ihnen, in angespannten Situationen die Ruhe zu bewahren, den Blick für das Wichtige zu behalten und Gefühle und Emotionen zu beherrschen.

Innere Haltung

Wann waren Sie das letzte Mal mit Freude bei der Arbeit? Wann haben Sie das letzte Mal die Geduld mit jemandem verloren?
Freude und Geduld sind nur zwei der Haltungen, die wir durch unser Training stärken. Sie verbessern Teamgeist und Output.

Some effects of being mindful

MBCT promotes a conscious observation of patterns, a questioning of structures and a gentle relearning of unhelpful habits. It supports a loving and understanding approach to oneself, strengthens confidence in one’s own self-efficacy and helps to recognize recurring patterns earlier and to become freer in them.
The following effects have been observed and confirmed by participants of trainings:

  • Self care
  • Positive acceptance
  • Focus und concentration
  • Confidence and faith
  • Access to physical sensations
  • Emotional resilience
  • Softening identification with negative thoughts
  • kindness and self-compassion
  • Clarity and Positivity
  • Self-Acceptance
  • Better coping with stress
  • Less internal conflicts

Training Options

Group size: max. 12 participants
Language: English
Venue: Achtsamkeitspraxis Berlin

Please arrange a preliminary meeting.

training goals

The training program MBCT is based on the methods of mindfulness and supports you in dealing with depressive moods and their signs.
A helpful handling of one’s own thinking, thought patterns and negative evaluations are as much in focus as a conscious participatory attitude towards oneself.
Identification with negative thoughts and inappropriate equation with the person are made transparent.

Mindfulness-Based-Cognitive-Therapy (MBCT)


starting Mondays, 12.05.2025
14:30 – 16:30 h
(in English)

fee: 350,- € (reduced fee on request)
Please arrange a preliminary meeting.

The Training

The course consists of eight consecutive dates that take place once a week for 2.5 hours. In the course of a course evening we will practice together, there will be a short lecture or a presentation, the discussion of homework and a general exchange about our own experience in practicing. In addition, there is a mindfulness day of about 5 hours, which usually takes place after the sixth course date.

During the course you should be prepared to practice  for about 40 minutes on at least five days a week. You will receive audio files to support the exercise. Further small exercises support the development and deepening of the conscious perception.

The course concept also includes a non-binding preliminary talk to find out whether this course is the right one for you at this time or not.

Are you interested?

Let us talk about how I could be of any aid

MBCT individual tuition

For a number of people it is difficult to keep up regular appointments due to professional commitments. Therefore I offer you the possibility to arrange an MBCT training individually according to your personal and temporal circumstances and needs. On request also with telephone or online coaching.

Similar to the MBCT group course, between eight and ten individual training sessions take place in the course of three months, with one appointment per week. The meetings will each last one and a half to two hours.

Your investment is per appointment: 90-120 min. / 90,00 – 120,00 €

It is worth asking your health insurance company about a subsidy or the assumption of costs, as this is a preventive service.

MBCT fees

The course fee is 350,00 €.

If you register four weeks before the course starts and pay a deposit of 50,00 €, the total course fee is 300,00 €, including all course materials such as audio files, a workbook and a telephone coaching option.

For people with little money (Hartz IV recipients, students, pensioners, etc.), further individual discounts can be granted for a limited number of participants on each course. Please do not hesitate to ask.

Individual trainings/ coaching:
Your costs are per appointment: 90-120 min. / 90,00 – 120,00 €.